
Minggu, 14 Februari 2016

Tips For Wood Joining

?lmo?t an? woodwork?ng pro?e?t wil? r?quire som? t?pe of wood ?oint. From building beds t? bookc?ses and just about everyt?ing in betw?en, y?u will f?nd that wood jo?nts will be necessar?. While there are m?ny sty?e? and even variations of ?ach style, there ar? 6 bas?c wo?d jo?nts that can b? us?d f?r ?l? y?ur bu?lding needs.

The Butt Joint

?hi? ?s the simp???t ?f al? wood ?oints and ?s used m?re hea?i?y in ??nstruction proje?ts as o?p?sed to furniture w?odworking. A butt joint uses na?ls ?r s?r?ws to butt two ?ieces of w?od together. ?o cr?ate this joint, no cutting ?r routing is requ?red to inter?o?k t?? p?eces of wo?d. First you should use a ??rp?nt?rs ?quare to be sure th?t the two p?e?e? of wo?d are le??l and ??r?endicular to ea?? other. It ?s alwa?s be?t to use a ?m??l amount of adhesive along with th? nails or scr?ws. If y?u need addition?l strength, use ?orner br?cket? ?f ang?? ?rons if they wi?? b? h?dden from v?ew.

M?ter ?oint

If you want to hide the ends ?f th? pieces ?f wood, a miter j?int i? the way to go. Thi? i? a weaker joint and is normally u?ed for d?corat??e p??ce? such ?s mo?ding, trim or frames. If you ?r? working on a j?int th?t requires supp?rt, stay ?way from t?i? w?od joint. The most c?mm?n use of t?e mit?r ??int i? t? ?ttac? two p?ece? of w?od at a 90 degree ?ng?e. For the be?t r?sult?, use a circular saw and set the angle to 45 degrees. Aft?r y?ur p?eces are cut, add some adhe?i?? and nai? the pi?ce? together. ?e c?re to ?osition t?? nail so that it does not come too close t? the ?dge of either ?i??e and sp?it t?e wood.

Lap Jo?nts

If y?u need ? strong w?od joint, but t?? pie?es of wood you ar? join?ng are diff?r?nt thi?kn?s?es, the ?ap j?int is the answ?r. Quite simply, a l?? j?int r?qu?res notch?ng of both bo?rds. T?ere are several types of lap j?ints that can be u?ed depending ?n th? loc?tion ?f t?? jo?nt. If you are j?ining the ends ?f two p??ces of wood, use an end la?. This r?quires t?at y?u ??w out the end of eac? ?iece of w?od t?e w?dth ?f th? adjoining board ?nd one ?alf the thickne?s of the b?ard. When placed together you wil? h?ve a strong, 90 degree j?int. ?f you want to join the end of one board to a center s?ction of another board, you c?n choose from a ?ross lap, middle lap or d?v?t?il lap j?int.

Rabb?t J?ints

This j?int combines the butt j?int and the la? joint and is used if your wo?dworking pro?ect invo?ves cabinet, bookcases or draws. ?his jo?nt is used to join the end? of two pie??s ?f wo?d. T? create th?s t?p? of jo?nt, cut or route a re?ess in on? piece of wood t?at is t?e thickness of the adjoining piec? and h?lf the thickn?ss of the b?ard. ?fter ?reating t?e rec???, the ?econd p?ece of wo?d will form a butt joint into t?? recess.

Dado Jo?nt

The dado joint ?s ?imilar to the rabbet joint, but ?t is used to join the end of one ?ie?e of wood t? a middle section of another. ?his jo?nt is heavily us?d to interlock the ends of ?h?l?es t? th? side pieces when ?ou are build?ng bookc?ses or cabinets. For this j?int ?ou do not need to ?ut ?r route t?e shelves. At th? desired location, ?ut or route a re??ss in the side board that is the thickness of the shelf, half way through the side board. This ?s a ?tr?ng joint and will give full ?up?ort to t?e shelves.

Dowel Joints

This type of joint is b?s?cally a butt joint that i? r?inforced by ?nt?rlocking w?od dowels b?twe?n the b?ards. In order to ach?e?? a square ?nd level joint, it is crucial th?t the dow?ls from the first b??rd ar? ?roperl? aligned with t?e second board. It is high?? r?commended that a dow???ng jig be used. Dr?ll t?e holes in each piece of wood slightl? deep?r t??n one half of the length of the dowel. This will insure that th? two pieces will f?t flush and the dowel w?ll be complet?ly h?dden.

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